Reviews that have been published

Why openMetaAnalysis

Problem: Meta-analyses in health care are hindered by becoming outdated (PMID: 17638714) and redundant (PMID: 23873947). Living systematic reviews and Rapid reviews have been proposed as separate solutions.
openMetaAnalysis provides a platform for collaboratively developing, disseminating, and maintaining systematic reviews. openMetaAnalysis combines features of:
Details. openMetaAnalysis is an open-source, cloud-based approach that implements the concepts of Cochrane, GRADE and PRISMA. GitHub, originally developed for collaborative development of software, has been proposed as a method to publish legislative information with transparent tracking of development.(see Shirkey and Government opens up) Likewise, GitHub can host medical knowledge, support team science(PMID: 18619407), and provide collaboration beyond what is possible with wikis. GitHub transparently tracks updates to meta-analyses and provides links to related, alternative, or competing, analyses. Collaboration with GitHub complements the functions of open data repositories such as the Systematic Review Data Repository, DRYAD and YODA. Similar to wikigenes, authors' contributions are tracked for academic credit. While wikis also offer a solution, they are reaching limits in their ability to represent complex knowledge.(Simonite, 2013)